That said, dogs who have never lived with cats are more likely to treat cats like other dogs and try to play with them, or like prey animals and try to chase and possibly kill them.
It’s up to you to protect your new cat and set up introductions carefully so that both pets feels safe and have a pleasant experience getting acquainted.
Here are some suggestions for making the most of your cat-and-dog introductions.
1. First impressions are everything
First impressions are important to a cat, so you want the initial meetings to be as stress-free as possible for her. Prepare for the arrival of your new cat by working with your dog to refresh his obedience skills. Two exercises that are important for him to do well when asked are a recall (coming when called) and a “leave it” exercise. These skills will help you control your dog if he gets overexcited around your cat.
2. Treat them
At first, confine your new cat in a room with her food, water and litter box.You can start to introduce your cat and your dog by the doorway to that room. Fill your pockets with treats that both pets love. Keep the door open but block it with a baby gate or similar. Walk your dog slowly by the doorway several times each day for a couple of days. Praise and treat him for calm behaviour, and then toss the cat a treat as well. This way, your cat will associate your dog with delicious treats. If your dog overreacts to the cat, distract him and get his attention focused on you.
3. Let your new pet set the pace
If your cat chooses to run and hide under the furniture when you and your dog walk by, let her. It simply means your introductions will take longer, maybe weeks longer. Taking things slow will help to avoid a bad first impression. Keep in mind that cats can take months to form relationships with other animals. Never attempt to force any interactions by holding your cat, putting her into a crate or carrier or restricting her movement in any way.
4. Give them space
If your cat doesn’t seem afraid of your dog as you pass by the doorway of her room, or if she even tries to jump over the gate, you can introduce them in your living room or other large room. Make sure your cat can get away from your dog during the introduction. She should have the freedom and room to retreat, run and hide, slip beneath a piece of furniture where the dog can’t follow or jump up on something higher than the dog.
5. Keep your pooch on a lease
Keep your dog with you on-leash during these introductions in the living room and for the first couple of weeks. Allow the leash to be loose, but hold onto it in case your dog decides to try to chase your cat. Use your recall and “leave it” exercises if your dog starts nosing or following your cat and she seems worried. When you ask your dog to come to you or leave your cat alone and he responds, be sure to give him a very special treat.
6. Be prepared
Most cats will accept a young dog and correct him when necessary. Be sure your cat’s nails are trimmed before bringing her home so that she doesn’t hurt your dog if she corrects him. Your dog shouldn’t have access to your cat’s litter box. If he does, it will be highly stressful to your cat, and your dog may eat the faeces and litter. To prevent your dog from eating your cat’s food, consider feeding your cat on a high surface, like a window sill, dresser, shelf or cat tree furniture.
Image via Pinterest.