How to make your rental feel like a home
A rental may be temporary, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t make it feel like home. Even though you might not have plans to stay for long, it’s worth it to turn your rented space into your own. In this post, we’ll share some tips on how to do just that!
Protect Your Rental
Your rental is still your home, so it’s best to give it the same protections as you would a permanent space. Make sure to talk to an agent about what is covered under tenant insurance to ensure you have all the necessary safeguards for your rental property and belongings.
Add Plants
Greenery brightens a house and adds warmth; it can bring so much life to a space, making it feel extra homey. If you don’t have a green thumb, you can opt for low-maintenance plants, like cacti, snake plants, or dracaena plants.
Play with Lighting
The lights that come with your rental will likely look generic and impersonal. Adding light fixtures and swapping out bulbs can drastically change how rooms look and feel.
Play around with mood lighting, and introduce a mix of lamps around your home. You can add a free-standing lamp in your living room, a desk lamp in your office, or string lights for your bedroom.
Personalize Areas
Even if you don’t make any major changes or renovations, you can still personalize your rental simply by adding a few little extras to different rooms. Don’t underestimate what touches like candles, cushions, and decor can do to make a space feel more like your own!
Add Sentimental Items
A good way to inject some hominess into your rental is by placing your own personal items around the space. Scatter trinkets, mementos, and photos in key areas so that you can envelop the space with the warmth of the familiar.
Invest in Furniture
Free-standing furniture is a good way to change up a rental without having to alter or remove any structural features. Remember that you can splurge a little bit when you’re buying things like sofas, beds, desks, tables, and chairs because you can bring these with you later on when you decide to move places.
Choose what you like, considering what it looks like in your current home while anticipating longevity (buy something timeless that you’ll love for a long time to come). If you already have existing furniture, you can spruce them up by decorating them, too!
Update Your Walls and Floors
Even if you can’t paint over the walls of your rental, you may be able to spice up its look by adding some temporary wallpaper or faux tiles. These come in a variety of styles, textures, and colours, and they’re a great way to brighten up a space and give it a more updated look that matches your personality.

