The HSE have confirmed that seven children between the ages of five and 11-years-old were given the larger adult dose of the Covid-19 vaccine by mistake.
In December last year, it was announced by Minister for Health Stephen Donnelly that the Pfizer vaccine had been approved by the National Immunisation Advisory Committee (NIAC) to be administered to children between the ages of five to 11-years-old.
This vaccine would be administered in two doses, each dose being one third of the size of that administered to an adult. Adults receiving the Pfizer vaccine also receive two doses, each dose containing 30mg, whereas a child would receive just 10mg in each dose.
However, as The Irish Examiner reports, seven children accidentally received a larger, adult-sized dose of the Covid-19 vaccine by mistake when visiting mass vaccination centres. Vaccine administrators are said to have spotted the incorrect information on their forms, when children showed up for their second dose.
Out of the seven children, six reportedly had no side effects with one claiming to suffer from temporary fatigue.
Speaking on the issue, a spokesperson for the Health Products Regulatory Authority (HPRA) said, “All seven reports were in association with the first dose of Comirnaty, with the majority administered in vaccination centres and the remaining administered in pharmacy/GP practice setting.”
“No suspected side-effects were described as being experienced in six of the reports with one report describing fatigue for a short duration.”
The HSE’s National Immunisation Office (NIO) have reminded staff in mass vaccination centres of the difference between an adult vaccine dose and a child vaccine dose, with the adult dose featuring a purple cap and the child dose featuring an orange cap, to try and prevent further confusion.
The spokesperson also encouraged “parents of children in this age group who wish to have their children vaccinated should be directed to the HSE website to make an appointment.”
For more information about the Covid-19 vaccine and how it affects children, whether they’re vulnerable or not, go to