Being a middle child can be difficult (or so I hear, I'm the eldest of two), but raising a middle child can also be quite tricky. 


Claire Treacy, who is the voice behind the blog Mammysbrightside, has three gorgeous kiddos - a three-year-old son and two daughters, ages five and eight.


Recently, Claire was going through a particularly bad case of mom-guilt, and took to Facebook to share her thoughts with her followers. 


The mum explained that her middle child (child two) was named player of the week on her sports team, and won a trophy and everything - but she missed it, because she was in hospital with her youngest. 



"This happens quite frequently, more than I care to admit. You see child two, well, she's pretty much perfect. You would think that's a good thing, I mean it is, it's just in between her sister's ever growing list of after school activities, playdates and general stroppy cow syndrome, and her brother's ability to lose his mind along with copious amounts of shit throughout the day," explained Claire. 


The mum goes on to explain how easy-going, and stress free her lovely middle child is: "Child two and her happy go lucky, non shit giving little self sometimes gets the least of my attention throughout the day.


"This of course worries me, I end up staring at her as she sleeps riddled with guilt, taking in every inch of her perfect, happy go lucky, non shit giving little self, promising to be better, for her, I need to be better."


Claire goes on to explain how she see's her lovely middle child, and while she misses important things, it doesn't mean she loves her any less. 


Image may contain: 3 people, people smiling, people sitting, child and indoor


"I see you share every single thing you own without question, I see you always thinking of your brother and sister, no matter what you get you always make sure your not empty handed for them coming home.


"I see you sometimes get anxious before school or in crowds, I see you breathing with me and taking me in, I see you watch me wipe your tears, I see you then bravely walking in."


"I see you worry when your sister once again slams her door, I see you negotiate with your brother when hes mid shit losing and crying and kicking on the floor, I see you dance and sing... you actually have no idea of the joy you bring."


Right in the feels. 


She closes off the heartwarming message to her beautiful daughter: "I see your eyes widen with enthusiasm everyday at dinner when everyone's talking about their day, you have such an amazing little way.


"I see you blossom when it's just me and you, I know it's not nearly often enough and sometimes it goes long over due. But yes my sweet, sensitive, funny, caring beauty - I see you."


The post has garnered quite a lot of attention, with hundreds of parents commenting on how relatable her post is. 


This gorgeous message brought a tear to my eye. 


