Our children don’t need a whole lot to get up to mischief – just an opportunity, where they know they’re not going to get caught.


This turned out to be the case for little Dylan Wray, the six-year-old whose nocturnal antics have left the internet in hysterics today.


Dad Cody took to Facebook to share the details of what he found when he recently went back through his living room’s security camera – Dylan performing gymnastics in the middle of the night!



“Looking through security footage when I found this event in the middle of the night in my living room. He’s so dead,” he wrote.


In a follow-up interview with local media, Cody revealed that Dylan had previously told his parents that he sometimes gets up at 2am, but they thought he was telling a tall tale!


As you can imagine, the footage of Dylan performing cartwheels and running across the furniture in the dark has left people all over the world highly amused.



“Has to be one of my favourite posts of the week. I’m sure this will be something Ryker does very soon,” wrote one mother.


Meanwhile, another chimed in: “That’s so freakin’ funny! I wonder how long he has been doing this before the security system!”


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