Three years ago in August 2013, the German government implemented a law which states that all children must have the right to day care by their first birthday.


But there aren’t enough nurseries in the country to accommodate all the children, so when three women in Leipzig couldn’t get places for their kids they sued.



When a spot couldn’t be found for their children in the eastern city they had to wait another few months before being able to go back to work.


 According to the Local, they are likely to receive payments of €2,200, €4,500 and €7,300.


Following on from this, the Federal Court of Justice in Germany on Thursday ruled that parents who don’t receive placements in nursery will be entitled to compensation.



However, local authorities will only have to pay out if they are found to be at fault for a parent not being able to find suitable daycare. 


Would you like to see this being implemented here? 


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