Blake Lively may lead a seemingly impeccable life, but she's tired of people in the media telling her she’s “got it all”.


She says that it may seem "perfect" from the outside, but "grass is always greener" through the camera lens. 


"It's nonsense," she told Glamour Magazine, in its September 2017 issue.


"It simplifies people. Not all men, but a subsection of men, have a desire to understand and control women. To do that, you have to paint them into this thing you can wrap your head around. But women are complex. It also is [a reminder] that what you see in the media is not real life.”



She explained further that, despite being movie stars, both her and her husband are quite shy people who suffer from nerves the same as anyone else..


"My husband and I are really shy people who express ourselves best when we're acting. We're hiding as someone else," she explains. "So, the fact that very shy people have to share that shy person with the world—and are sometimes hurt by it—it's very weird emotionally."


“The night before an interview, I have complete anxiety: how is this person going to spin me? So, when you read, 'Oh, she's got a perfect life,' or, 'Her life is crumbling' — they pick narratives for everyone and the narratives stick."


Blake also went on to talk about sexism and racial discrimination in the media.  


"I had realised that there were problems before. I do a lot of work against sex trafficking. There are hundreds of thousands of missing-children reports in the United States each year - some of those children are sex-trafficked. But that's not reported,” she explained.



“You see [stories about] only the wealthy, middle-class white girls who've been kidnapped. There are people missing all the time, and because they're minorities because they come from impoverished neighbourhoods, they don't make the news. That is so devastating."


The 29-year-old says she’s fortunate to be with someone like Ryan, because he’s very concerned about these issues and is also conscious of the language they use around their two daughters.


"My husband was like, 'Why do I always say he?' And I said, 'That’s what we're taught'. So he'll pick up, like a caterpillar, and instead of saying, 'What's his name?' he'll say, 'What's her name?' Or, we've joked that my daughter is bossy. But my husband said, 'I don't ever want to use that word again. You've never heard a man called bossy',” she explained.


“There would never be any negative connotation for a man being a boss, so to add a negative connotation on a woman being bossy? It's belittling. And it doesn't encourage them to be a boss, so do I know how to be the best parent for a daughter? No, I have no idea. All I can do is share what I'm thinking and learn from others."


Blake and her family are currently in Vancouver for the filming of Deadpool 2, which comes out in cinemas next year.

