One of the most annoying things us mums have to deal with is trying to find ALL of the things that seem to go missing on a daily basis!


Socks, shoes, keys, our minds... sometimes it can feel like there is a secret black hole sucking up all the things that you desperately need!


But we know where to look the next time our teaspoons start disappearing again.



According to research conducted by Petits Filous Pouches, teaspoons are amongst the most common items that go missing in the home – with 40 percent of respondents catching their toddlers throwing them in the bin along with their empty yoghurt pot.


In fact, half of those who took part in the survey said that their spoons regularly go missing – but at least you know where to look now!


But dealing with missing spoons is not the only things us mums have to cope with. 



Amongst the highest scoring items to vanish included shoes, lunchboxes and teddy bears, with unwanted snacks found under the bed, behind the couch and under the car seat.

Talking about the findings, Grainne Galvin, Yoplait Brand Manager said: “Some of these stats are really amusing. Petits Filous knows that happy childhoods ignited by play build the best foundations for life. "


"With Petits Filous Pouches now the little rascals of Ireland can still get up to mischief but Mum and Dad can be sure when they ask for their favourite snack there will be no fuss, less mess, and no need for spoons!”


SHARE if you've ever caught your little one throwing a spoon in the bin! 

