We live in an age where we are constantly confronted by ads and magazines encouraging us to ‘ditch those extra pounds’ and ‘get that bikini body we’ve always wanted’. Indeed, recent reports of pre-schoolers complaining about their body image prove how saturating this culture has become.


There has been a change in attitude in recent times, however, with women – and men – fighting back against the ‘accepted’ body image norms. Don’t look like a size zero super-model? So what?! Don’t feel like living on salad for the rest of your life, for fear you’ll be caught in an unflattering holiday snap? News flash: you don’t need to.


It’s not surprising to see why Embrace, the documentary and body image movement, is inspiring people all over the world – including a group of empowered Wicklow women.


After watching a screening of Embrace, the women were so inspired that they decided to spread the message through their own group, Fabulously Flawsome.


The group have gone on to create a Facebook page and website to ‘provide a platform…for future discussion, engagement and events to promote and support loving your body and embracing the one precious life you have NOW’.



Now building followers across social media, the Fabulously Flawsome ladies are sharing inspiring content to break down negative body image and stereotypes.


Among the upcoming events are a screening of Embrace, on August 23. The programme was the brainchild of Taryn Brumfitt, who won viral internet fame after posting an ‘unconventional’ before-and-after body transformation, in 2013.


She went on to create a documentary around her experience, travelling the world to chat to women about body image in their modern lives.


Released last year, the documentary received rave reviews and – as demonstrated by the Fabulously Flawsome crew – is opening minds and changing lives.


For more information, check out their website through this link.


