Hands can have a particularly tough time during the winter as they become very dry due to the extreme weather, often resulting in the skin cracking.
Household cleaners and constantly putting hands in water can be particularly harsh on the skin so it is important that mums find a cream that not only soothes and repairs but also protects, so it can be a frustrating task.
The La Roche-Posay Cicaplast Hands offers mothers the chance to soothe, protect and restore the skin barrier for over-worked hands damaged by aggressions at home or in the workplace.
Cicaplast’s rapidly absorbing texture will help reduce redness and roughness and leave hands nourished, repaired and supple.
The repairing formula contains Shea butter and reduces discomfort and painful sensations from the first use. As it creates an invisible glove around the hand, it will protect against future external aggressors.
The cream is designed specifically for those who need extra protection and it will moisturise for a soft skin feeling. Hands will no longer be rough to touch so you will be proud to show them off.

