Embarrassment and parenting come part and parcel - usually down to our kids saying or doing something at inappropriate moments!


We asked MummyPages mums to share the most cringe-worthy thing their child has ever said or done, and this is what they said!


1. Sharon: "My three-year-old announced in the swimming pool changing room: "Look mammy, that lady has really big boobies"!"


2. Ruth: "My daughter told someone on a bus that if they exercised more and ate less, then they wouldn't be so fat - I was mortified! It was exactly what I'd said to her when she asked why my stomach was squishy! Our own words coming out of our children's mouths are cringe-worthy for many reasons!"


3. Sammi: "When my son was three, I showed him how to grow cress over the weekend. At nursery the following monday morning, he was greeted by his teacher as he went through the door. Pointing to the garden he said, "that's grass". However, he went on to add, "but that's the outdoor kind, not the indoor kind like mummy's grass". I nearly died. She looked horrified as I stuttered my way through a seriously over-complicated explanation of cress growing. Then she burst out laughing. Thankfully!"



4. Charlene: "When my five-year-old was three or four, they asked why the lady in the queue at Asda had whiskers on her chin. Unfortunately, ignoring her didn't work and she had to ask about ten times!"


5. Natalie: "I was in town with my son when he was about four, when he suddenly shouted: "Mummy, look at that big fat man!" It was a woman."


6. Rachel: "Whilst getting my two-year-old out of the trolley in Asda, he shouted, "help, help" very loudly. I got some very strange looks."



7. Anita: "My son was about three-months-old when he pulled down my top in a cafe causing me to flash a lot of shoppers!!"


8. Jessica: "We were behind an old man at the doctor's when he suddenly farted - I don't think he realised we were behind him. However, my daughter then decided to call him a 'stinky bum!' Completely and utterly mortified, I quickly apologised and made my exit! Kids, eh?"


9. Rebecca: "Was in Asda with my little boy, who was four at the time, when a very short man walked past. Embarrassingly, my son subsequently shouted: "Mommy, mommy an elf! Is Santa coming?""


10. Katie: "When my oldest was a few months old, after I took him to get weighed, I decided to stay for the mother and baby group. I didn't know anyone there and when a woman came up to me, all smiles saying, "ahh give us a cuddle!", I was thinking, "'WTF??!" Thinking I'd better be polite, I went in to her open arms and awkwardly hugged her back. When I pulled back, she looked really awkward and embarrassed. It was only when she said, "I meant with your baby" that I understood why! I know it's not what's said by my child, but how cringing can you get?!" 




