You know the drill. You're on a roll with the washing when you discover the little tell-tale signs that you are braving the pre-school territory. Mess and madness are your middle names- and the mandatory pocket turn-out proves it! Mums of pre-schoolers will find the following items more than familiar: Here are 7 things I found in my pocket this week!


Apple Core



I’m not alone with this one- we all encourage them to eat apples on the go. They are one of those fabulous healthy foods that we can pass off as treats – even bargaining chips in the early days. However, carrying a supply of apples for your pre-schooler is one way to assume your role as ‘bin’. Mum/ compost… what’s the difference really? We all end up as waste disposal units at some point in our parenting careers.


Pet Rock


Not even a solid shiny pebble- but a crumbly piece of construction debris from the walk home. The kind that leaves a powdery white stain on the inside of my pocket. His name is Brian and he better be there when I pick her up at 5.


Melted chocolate



Let’s be honest, this ones my fault. I tell myself that I’ve taken half the chocolate buttons out of the packet to protect my little one’s health. In truth, it’s because I need the buttons. A single forgotten button seeps into the lining of my coat and remains there until I find it in the laundry room. No, I do not try and salvage it!




They are the little ones that stick and seem to multiply in my pocket. It’s like I’m growing a tree from my hip. She asked me to mind them and when I refused, she waited until I was distracted and stuffed them in herself. Cheeky.


Rice-Cake Crumbs


They are everywhere; in my hair and hers. We are two Rice-Cake monsters. I thought I was smart pocketing a handy snack for the journey home- save myself the ‘I’m hungry’ headache. Serves me right!


Crumpled up art-work


Yes, Montessori breeds little geniuses and yes, I’m proud as punch that she can now draw a circle- but saving every single piece of art? As a messy mum, this is not on the cards. The truly mind-blowing pieces by my mini Picasso will be mounted on the kitchen wall. The scribbles will evoke a ‘wow’ and a ‘great effort darling’ and will be stuffed in my pocket until I make a guilty discovery whilst doing the washing!


That one tiny toy that if I lost all hell would break loose!



This week's prized possession: a pea-sized pony figurine. She has entrusted me with this precious artefact and SO HELP ME GOD if she asks for it at pick-up and I am empty-handed!


This mad, messy memory-making stage of childhood is the funniest yet! What weird and wonderful things have you found in your pockets this week, mums?

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Fairy Non Bio is the number one laundry brand for sensitive skin. Kind to Baby’s skin, mums can rest assured that their little ones are getting the best care possible.

With her daughter Evie as her muse, Anna writes about mumhood and all its intersections from mental health to movies, social issues to pop culture. Anna lives in Dublin with her daughter, partner, three younger sisters and parents. She is a dreadful cook, a fair guitar player and thinks caffeine should be given as a yearly vaccine to parents - courtesy of the HSE.

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