He is not yet two years old, but Dawson Willcock has dealt with more than most toddlers should.


He was diagnosed with an extremely rare cancer called Hepatoblastoma in January.


His parents say that their world and hearts literally blew apart the day they were told. 


Since then, doctors have tried several different chemotherapy drugs, none of which are working and all with horrific side effects.


Just a month ago, his heartbroken parents were given the news they have been dreading -  the cancer has spread to his little lungs. 


Then, yesterday, another shattering update -  the tumours have increased and the drugs are not working. 



His mum is now pleading with the public for help to fund urgent treatment in the US that is, most certainly, her little boy's very last chance:


"I can't begin to tell you how I feel, my heart is in a million pieces but for my little boy, I need to stay strong and focussed. We are in talks with a doctor in Cincinnati, he has cured many children who were classed as terminal in the UK. We know if he can save our sweet Dawson, it's going to cost hundreds of thousands. We haven't been given any confirmation or costs yet, only a rough idea, but time is not on our side.


They are hoping to raise £500,000 in just a month.


"That one dollar could save our babies life. Please, please, just have that coffee at home and put your one pound into saving my Dawsons life. From the bottom of my heart, thank you to anyone who donates or shares."


You can read more about Dawson and his health or donate here 


