Many expectant mums have often been told to make the most of their normal sleeping pattern before the baby comes along, as many of us know when your little bundle of joy arrives, your pillow and duvet will be abandoned.


Every mum has been disturbed from their slumber at some stage, from waking up at 3 am for the night feed or for early morning colouring sessions with your toddler.


One famous Irish mum got super honest about her sleeping habits, and we completely understand her struggles.


Today, we must stand up and applaud TV presenter Lucy Kennedy for her relatable tweet about teething.



She wrote, “Good morning. I’m the proud owner of.......4 hours sleep (Jess is teething)”


We all know that the teething stage can be a major struggle, for mums and their toddler.


There’s nothing worse than seeing your little one in pain. Mums will always try their best to soothe baby during this distressing stage, but it’s important to remember that it can have an impact on us too.



Teething can’t be avoided, but there are ways to help make the experience a little bit less stressful for both mum and child.


Offering your little one a drink of cold water can help ease the pain, especially if they wake up during the night. Your presence will also help calm them down, which should help them fall back to sleep. Once they doze off you can curl up under your duvet too.


Mums understand that the teething stage can be disruptive, but experts say sticking to your regular routine will help both of you get a good night’s sleep. Changes to your bedtime routine will confuse your toddler as they will struggle to fall asleep at times they’re not used to.


We hope these tips help make the teething stage that little bit easier for mums like Lucy!

