From squashed sandwiches to black bananas, growing up in Ireland our diet was a little less visually appealing than it is now.
We didn't have any fancy courgetti but we did have deep fried chips and potatoes... - and boy was it the BEST!
If you did have the pleasure of growing up in Ireland, you are BOUND to feel nostalgic for the following seven foods...
1. Milk and pasta to warm you up after school
Nothing could beat a warm bowl of plain pasta with a glass of milk... Oh to bring back the good old food days.
2. Stew packed with whatever your mum could find in the fridge
Sausages, carrots, corn... it was all in there - they certainly don't make it like they used to, that's for sure.
3. Eating corn flakes with a little sugar sprinkled on top 
And drinking the leftover milk out of the bowl... yum!  
4. Squashing our squashed school jam sandwiches
Oh how we miss the simplicity of those triangular sandwiches we so carefully brought to school... before squashing them in our hands because they tasted better that way!
5. The SMELL of the cabbage
No it wasn't pleasant, but every time we get a whiff now we are instantly transported back to the days of care-free fun in the garden...
6. Trying to drink as much Sunny D as possible to see if it ACTUALLY did turn you orange
A quest we never quite managed to complete. 
7. Roasted marshmallows over the fireplace 
How we never burnt ourselves we'll never know. 
SHARE if you're longing for the good old food days! 

