As parents, we walk a fine line between instilling a healthy attitude towards food in our children while simultaneously ensuring they do not become overly focussed on calories, weight or the aesthetic.

And as any mum will attest, it’s not always easy.

Struggling to explain why you should eat and drink well without veering into territory which impressionable children can interpret in their own way means many of us shy away from discussing nutrition with young people.

But educating your brood on nutrition in a practical way doesn’t have to be a minefield if you keep these three tips in mind.

1. Lead by example

Telling your children not to ask for biscuits when they see you snacking on them day in, day out will undoubtedly send mixed messages.

By showing your children that you prioritise wholesome, nutritious food and drink over treats means they will be more likely to listen to you when you discuss their limitations in the kitchen.

Simple steps like choosing milk and water over sweet drinks at every daily dinner will encourage your children to associate healthy drinks with meal-times, and sugary drinks as rare treats.

2. Everything in moderation

Do not demonise any one food group or drink as doing so can ignite fear or concern in your children.

Using analogies they will understand, explain that all food and drink is there to be enjoyed, but some are more important than others.

Allow your child a treat at weekend, encourage them to enjoy it and remind them to look forward to the next one - this will help your little ones to establish a solid routine and aid understanding when it comes to their own nutrition.

3. Consider ‘kiddie’ products carefully

While some products are aimed at children, this most certainly does not mean that they are child-friendly.

With some sweetened drinks rich in sugar, it’s important to err on the side of caution and set these products aside for special occasions.
Make milk or water the drink they enjoy with meals, while keeping sweeter drinks for weekend and family events.

