Mammy put your feet up: 7 things that should happen on Nollaig na mBan

​​​​Nollaig na mBan: traditionally the day when the women of the house were given free rein to unpin the apron and meet female friends and relatives so as to celebrate their own little Christmas.

Nowadays, January 6 is used as an opportunity to recognise the countless achievements of women, both past and present, in Irish society, and a day when women's contribution to the history and culture of the State is celebrated nationwide.

With that in mind, we thought it would be appropriate to focus on just seven things which should definitely happen on Nollaig na mBan in your house.

1. You should not be forced to look for anything -  football boots, Speech and Drama folders, and car keys are not your concern today.

"Granny says to talk to St Anthony because I'm having an off day."


2. Bathroom breaks are a solo - repeat, solo - endeavour.

"This is my time, and yes, that is the sound of me eating biscuits in the bath."


3. Dinner duty is not the responsibility of the mammy of the house, and if that means it lands on the shoulders of the takeaway delivery guy, so be it.

"It's January 6, and I want egg fried rice and wine."


4. Prep for Saturday morning is the responsibility of those involved in the Saturday morning activities, and not the responsibility of a hassled mammy on a Friday night.

"You can look for your gymnastic kit all night if you want, but you'll be looking on your own."


5. Mums should be given free rein of the remote control, and if that means turning off the TV set and insisting on a games night, so be it.

"I've hidden the remote, and you'll enjoy this game of Charades if it kills you."


6. Mums are not under obligation to tend to pet duties if they don't want to.

"Sparky isn't looking at me. He's looking at you. Now get up and feed him,"


7. The front door bell is not the responsibility of a mammy on Nollaig na mBan nor is she under any obligation to suffer through a sales spiel on her doorstep.

"Let it ring. I'm not moving!"




