Managing your hangover: 6 steps to make the day more bearable

Happy New Year, ladies!

Sorry. Too loud? Yeah, we feel you.

If you're anything like us, you're currently nursing a mammoth hangover, and bear little to no resemblance to the woman who sashayed about your living room last night, feeling like an absolute queen. What a way to start the new year, eh?

But don't worry, if you managed to check off the following six points, we guarantee you that today and tomorrow will be a whole lot easier to deal with.

1. Shower

And we mean right now. Seriously, do not leave it until later tonight.

Everyone knows you can never underestimate the power of a shower, but for some reason, climbing in seems akin to climbing Everest when you're grappling with a headache and queasy stomach.

Just bite the bullet, pull last night's clothes over your head and let the water do the rest.

2. Get fresh air

OK, now that you're out of the shower and resemble a human again, it's time to pull on your runners, a warm coat and go get a coffee.

Aimless wandering isn't for the hungover, but a slow stroll with coffee as the main goal definitely is. Aim to spend at least 30 minutes in the fresh air and do your level best to take in a few deep breaths.

Not only will it do wonders for that hideous sense of grogginess, but it will help alleviate your headache and aid a better night's sleep later.

3. Prepare clothes and breakfast

Look at you! Showered, coffeed-up, and sporting adorable rosy cheeks from your stroll outside. Sure, you're claiming this day back, no bother!

Now, it's time to (momentarily) look to the future, and consider your first day back at work. Sorry, but you're doing so well, so try to stick with us here.

No one is expecting miracles, but your employers will expect to see you in clean clothes, so spend 20 minutes laying out every item you need for the morning.

And if you can handle the sight of food, make sure every item you need fot breakfast is packed in Tupperware and ready to pop in your bag in the morning and prepare in the office.

4. Watch a feel-good film

Now it's time to properly relax, because let's face it, you've played a blinder, and you deserve it.

Take your mind off that pitiful text you sent last night and that hideous workload you need to tackle tomorrow by watching your favourite feel-good film.

As long as it makes you chuckle, and transports you to somewhere outside your current reality, you're onto a winner.

5. Eat (relatively) well

OK, believe us, we know we're pushing it a little here, but you'll thank us tomorrow.

No, we're not expecting you to spend the day blitzing soups and downing smoothies, but try your best to keep your meals as balanced as possible.

If you're planning a takeaway for dinner, try get some fruit into you at lunch-time. If your breakfast was a left-over Dominos, then opt for a slightly healthier meal for dinner.

6. Go to bed early

Yes, we know you're envisioning yourself laying there all night long while The Fear sets in, and the horrors of January settle, but honestly, an early night is the only thing for you.

Spend 10 minutes straightening your bed, and making it comfortable before sinking into it for a solid eight hour rest.

Do whatever it is that helps you to relax before sleeping; listen to a podcast, do some meditation, jot some notes in your journal, and then after 15 minutes, turn off the light and wish yourself a Happy New Year...