Cork University Hospital
- Phone:(021) 492 2000
From this provider / About this provider: Cork University Hospital's Maternity Services include Nursing & Midwifery. Nursing and Midwifery Services are provided by a multinational workforce of approximately 1600 registered general nurses, registered general midwives, nursery nurses and healthcare assistants. Nursing began in Cork University Hospital on the 30th November 1978 when we received our first patient from St. Finbarr’s Hospital and expanded with midwifery in April 2007 when the maternity services amalgamated onto Cork University Hospital campus. The foundation of nursing and midwifery is based on the premise of patient care through restoring, maintaining and advancing the health of individual’s by working in a collaborative and multidisciplinary way with other services in the hospital and through best international patient care delivery systems. Our mission is to provide 24 hour quality nursing and midwifery care in all specialities. The mission of the nursing and midwifery staff is to deliver evidence based quality care in a compassionate manner, ever mindful of the dignity and individuality of each patient and of their families. One of the most important roles of the nurse or midwife is to be a patient advocate to protect the interests of patients when the patients themselves cannot because of illness or inadequate health knowledge.