Mr Price is ensuring the most vulnerable members of our society are taken care of by introducing a golden hour in stores across the country. Customers over 65, pregnant women and disabled people will be able to access the store between 9 and 10am every day.
The touching gesture is bound to make trips to the shop a lot easier for the vulnerable members of our communities.
Mr Price's marketing manager commented: “At this time it’s important we look after one another. We are there for all our customers in our community and are doing everything we can to help, we are all in this together."
They are taking extra precautions to make sure customers and staff are protected. Staff are wearing gloves, regularly washing their hands and wiping down high contact areas like counters, baskets and card machines. They have also reduced their opening hours to 10am to 6pm every day.
They have introduced a number of other new measures in store including; Perspex screens at tills, social distancing guidelines & markings in the queue system, hand sanitising stations at the entrance to stores and limiting the number of people allowed in the store at one time.
Mr Price stressed the importance of supporting local business: "We are a 100% Irish company and employ over 1,000 people nationwide. We are working hard in this current climate to protect our team and customers; their safety is our number one priority. It’s a difficult time for a lot of people and businesses and Mr. Price are trying to encourage people to support local Irish business."
There has been no disruption to their supply chain, their main focus is on essential grocery, cleaning, toiletries & pet food.
"There has been no price hikes in our products, our prices are always low and will stay this way.”