Danielle is a mum-of-one who puts whatever spare time she has into writing her blog, LilliWhiteRose.


The parenting, lifestyle and beauty blog appeals to all types of ladies from the SAHM to the beauty-obsessed, and Danielle's hints, tips and reviews are refreshingly honest.


We caught up with the successful blogger this week, and she very kindly shared some of her parenting secrets with us!


1. What is the most important thing you have learned since becoming a mum? 

To always trust your own instincts and never second guess yourself.

2. What's the most ridiculous/hilarious/unbelievable thing your child has done?

We were in our local supermarket recently, and I could see people walking by laughing at my daughter, who was standing at the front of the trolley. All of a sudden I hear her shout, "boobies" - she had been lifting up her top to everyone that was passing! I couldn't help but laugh!

3. What's the weirdest thing you've said/done as a parent?

While it's not particularly weird, I often find myself saying things my mother used to say to me when I was younger that I swore I'd never say to my own kids!



4. Name one thing you do that helps keep you sane?

I've been blogging for two years now and it really does keep me sane! I get to talk to so many like-minded people and it's also great for me to get to know others parents and share our experiences.

5. What is the best piece of advice you would give to other mums?

Don't try to be perfect because nobody is, all we can do is love our kids and protect them. Also some "me-time" is a must!

6. If you had to choose just one thing that you absolutely love about being a mum, what would it be?

The thing I love most about being a mum is just that. Being a mum. I couldn't possibly pinpoint just one thing, because there's something new every hour of every day. 


Don't forget to check out LilliWhiteRose and follow Danielle on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram


