Lisa Cornwall is a full-time working mum and blogger, and created Mummascribbles in order to share her experiences of motherhood, being a working mum and anything else that crops up in her life!  


Mum of a two-year-old boy, she is clearly very busy and we were delighted when she took time out of her day to have a chat with us.


1. What is the most important thing you have learned since becoming a mum?

It is impossible to be perfect. I had this image of myself as a mother - this image of perfection. You know the kind, happily painting beautiful pictures with my toddler, baking cakes in the kitchen, making lovely homemade foods for him to eat when he was a baby. This is so not the reality. I stress out at painting times (we have green paint on our sofa), baking with the toddler is, well it's a nightmare and the homemade foods? I was a huge fan of those really handy jars and pots! But you know what, it doesn't matter. Motherhood is not about perfection, it is about caring for your child in the best way you can. 


2. What's the most ridiculous/hilarious/unbelievable thing your child has done?

Just this morning I had the best phone call from the other half who had done the nursery drop off. Upon getting to nursery, the other half asked him if it was straight into the pre-school room that he's just moved up into. Zach told him that no, he had breakfast up in toddlers. The other half asked him a few times if he was sure and of course, he was. Upon walking into the toddler room and asking if Zach was telling the truth, they informed him that no, Zach is definitely in pre-school now and breakfast was down there! What a cheeky little thing telling porkies so he could go back up to his old room. I had a right old chuckle! Already telling porkies at three! 



3. What's the weirdest thing you've said/done as a parent?

"I can't believe that I am having to give you a cuddle while I'm doing a poo". And, "no Zach, you can't watch Mummy's wee wee come out!". He is fascinated by how we go to the toilet!


4. Name one thing you do that helps keep you sane?

Blog. It really is somewhere where I can let of steam and do something of my own that isn't work and isn't mummy (even though it's predominantly a mummy blog!). It really is a massive stress reliever sometimes! 


5. What is the best piece of advice you would give to other mums?

You know your baby/toddler/child so whatever advice someone gives you about what they experienced, it is not necessarily the same for you. Mummy (and daddy) know best. 


6. If you had to choose just one thing that you absolutely love about being a mum, what would it be? 

Knowing that I made him (with some help!). There is nothing like looking at this gorgeous, funny, intelligent toddler and knowing that I made and I grew him. I did that. It was epic and I did it. It's an amazing feeling! Until he has a tantrum! 


Don't forget to check out Mummascribbles and follow Lisa on FacebookTwitter and Instagram


