A mum from Portadown has issued a warning to all parents after her 13-year-old daughter was found so drunk that she was unable to speak.
The mum, who shared her story anonymously with the PSNI in order to highlight the dangers of underage drinking, explained how her teenager was found by officers lying on the street vomiting, unable to speak and with a head injury after she consumed a dangerous amount of alcohol.
"I was at home on Saturday afternoon when I got a phone call from a police officer telling me that my daughter was being taken to hospital. When I arrived I saw her being taken into the Resuscitation Unit. She looked grey and was totally unresponsive so when I saw her I was extremely shocked and just burst into tears,” the mum of the young adult explained.
The youngster was taken to hospital where she was kept in overnight, put on a drip, and given a CT scan and x-rays.
Thankfully, the scans came back clear, but the mum is understandably shaken by the whole thing after believing she could trust her daughter.
"I am very grateful that she was found and got the medical help she desperately needed and hopefully this message will make other parents aware of the dangers of alcohol and prevent it happening to someone else's child."