Mum Tips: types of toys your kid should play
Whether you are a new or experienced mother, you will always want to provide the best for your children. The best care, education, and love are what you always strive for them. Even in matters such as entertainment for your child you care and think about them. Toys in general can be quite expensive and you always want to make sure that you picked the right one for your child. You are always on the lookout for a toy that would entertain them and/or teach them something new. It might seem like an impossible task, but here we provide you with a detailed guide on how to find the best toys your children can play with.
A great way to determine what toy to get your child is to find something suitable for their age. Toys for infants are quite different than toys for toddlers, and those for pre-teens.
Babies that are less than a year old still do not have full vision. They mainly see blurry objects. Buying them toys that have bright patterns and colors is what we would advise. Getting your child a textured toy to play with is a good idea because it will engage their other senses as well as entertain them much more than dull or less brightly colored toys. Some great toys we found on TheToyReport are activity cubes, toys that squeak when squeezed and colorful rattles.
When your child is 1 to 2 years old, he/she starts to acquire and utilize their motor skills. They also enjoy games that have a cause and effect mechanisms. Buying them toys with buttons that make sounds when pressed will entertain them endlessly. If you do not want to get a headache from all the sounds a toy like that will create, you can always get them a game where a character pops up and they have to push it back down. You can also get your child a shape sorter, which will greatly help him/her gain motor skills as well as hand to eye coordination faster through engaging them.
A 3 year old child will have gained more motor skills, he will be more active as well as more imaginative. This is the age when they love to play pretend as well as have more interaction with their toys. When they are this age it is best to get them props that they can use to play with, such as dolls and telephones. If these toys make sounds or can be interactive then they will be even more entertained. They can also start completing puzzles on their own so that would also be a good toy for them.
As your child grow up and is 4 to 5 years old, he will love to play pretend even more. You will find them acting as if they are different people such as teachers, drivers, pilots, and so on. Getting dress up clothes will make the time spent in a persona even more fun. You can also begin introducing more complex puzzles and building blocks for them to enjoy. Getting toys that require more activity, such as a bicycle with training wheels is a way to give your child more skills and fun.
6 and above
If your child is 6 or more, then he/she have already developed their interests. This makes your task of getting a toy much easier. Children at this age can play with remote controlled cars, dolls, action figures, children construction sets, sports equipment, and some computer and video games. They will also begin to enjoy outdoor activities even more. Buying them scooters, skateboards, or a bicycle will encourage them to go outdoors and gave fun. Video games offer a great challenge for children. Playing video games encourages them to think and problem solve as well as have quick reflex reactions.
Board games
Board games are wonderful toys to give to children. If they have siblings or friends coming over then they can have fun playing with them. Board games are also good for having family quality time. They give children strategies and technical skills to reach their goals as well as teaches them teamwork if the board game consists of teams. Games such as Pictionary are fun for all age groups and are pretty diverse.
Puzzles to challenge your child’s brain. As they grow up, playing with puzzles will make them gain patience as well as give them satisfaction when they are completed. There are various puzzles for children. Start your child off with simple ones that will not discourage him from continuing. Then, start increasing the puzzle piece count. Remember that if you get them puzzles with pictures of things that interest them like a favorite cartoon character or a certain object they like, they will be more inclined to finish the puzzle and actually have fun.
It is very normal for your child to be interested in your clothes and makeup. After all they want to be like you so they imitate you. Before freaking out over the concept of your child putting makeup on her/his face, you should know that children “makeup” is not actual makeup. This makeup is made of nontoxic pigments that can be washed or wiped with a damp cloth. That way your child will have the toy they want without any harm befalling them.
Educational Games
Educational games are amazing ways to make your child use their brain and gain more knowledge while they are having fun. Buying your kids games such as science kits, toys that say the alphabets or teaches them animal names will make their brains develop more. You can also get your children toys such as electronic phonics toys or construction sets to help them create amazing things.
Toys to buy
It is very easy to get overwhelmed with the amount of toys and new things out in the market for children use. However if you look for something that will fit your child’s age, and preference you will not have any trouble finding the perfect toy for them. Just remember that they can have toys that educate them and entertain them too. It does not have to be one or the other.

