So we are a long way in from the days of weaning and (touch wood!), our little 21-month-old diva has still shown no signs of struggles with food. 


I do often wonder, what has really made her this way, or why other parents seem to struggle with this aspect of parenthood. I've often been told "one day she'll know better, and she will test you!", but it is yet to happen.


You see, it's not that we make it not so much of an issue, but well, we have never made it an issue at all!


We started out like many other parents looking to nourish their babies in the best way, with good home cooked foods..(and the odd sachet because hell, don't we all know there'll always be that emergency or that day that you're just too damn exhausted to lift your coffee cup never mind peeling the few spuds!)


As it stands, I am fairly proud of what we have achieved. The little woman rarely says no to food, but when she does, I take that for an answer, and I think that's partly why this whole thing works for us.


Long gone are the days of sitting at the table for what feels like forever being told you can't leave til you've eaten. I'm not saying this was the wrong way, but its the old way, like many other things. 


I may also note, that only one dinner is made for the three of us, every day. I personally don't believe in having to slave over the cooker making different meals for different people, it's a little bit mad!


Only the other day my fairly outspoken toddler refused her dinner, and rather than get frustrated, angry or worried that she wasn't eating, I stepped back, and assessed. 


She was having a down day that day. Cheeks rosy red and not to mention it was pretty warm! This baby was teething, grumpy and in no mood for a fight. So instead, she got some fruit and yoghurt with some water which she took willingly, and that was it.


If we just think to ourselves, as adults, don't you have some days where you just can't stomach a hot dinner? Or your appetites just not there? It has to be the same for children too.


In order for a positive attitude towards food to happen, start healthy, make no fuss, if someone decides to skip dinner, isn't it more vital that there's something in their bellies even if that's an easy peeler instead of a potato?


Food is there to enjoy, to share and to be appreciated for keeping us alive and healthy. "Everything in moderation" goes in my book! With that in mind, I'd also like to share this much-loved recipe in our house - a little sweet treat from me to you (and your little ones!)


(You're welcome!)


Banana and Honey French Rolls

You will need:

3 slices of bread (a slice for each roll so whatever number you need here)

1 large egg

Small bowl of milk



Unsalted butter



1. Take a slice of bread and remove the crusts. Roll out the bread until nice and flat.

2. Spread on a thin layer of honey.

3. Chop up a banana and pop them onto your slice of bread along one side. 

4. Then from that side, gently roll until you have your roll!

5. In a bowl, whisk egg until light and fluffy, and add milk.

6. Gently heat up a knob of unsalted butter in a pan.

7. Dip each roll into the egg/milk mixture and fry on the pan for about 5 minutes, turning, until golden brown!



You do not need to use the same fillings as I did because that list is endless!


There is an array of choices out there, sweet, savoury, you name it! You could do anything from cream cheese and strawberries to cheddar cheese and ham, whatever takes your fancy! 


Eat well, live well!



Rachael enjoys personal blogging about her new journey as a mother and all things random in between.
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