Fingal Academy of Music Sing To Your Baby Classes

Fingal Academy of Music Sing To Your Baby Classes


Singing to your baby helps with bonding, calming, learning and development and is good for Mum & Dad too. This 6-week course will teach you lots of beautiful songs to sing to your little bundle while leaning about the many benefits of singing to your baby in a relaxed, informal setting. Run by multi-award-winning singer and conductor, and mum of two, Rebecca Gilbert, this course is a wonderful chance to bring your new baby to a friendly relaxed environment, meet other Mums & Dads and take some time to bond with your little one. 
Each class of the 6 week course will have new songs and nursery rhymes to sing together, and tea and home-baked treats at the end of the class.
Time: Thursday & Wednesday mornings 
Suitable for: Mums or Dads with new babies aged from 4 weeks to 9 months.

