I am still undecided about New Year’s Resolutions. I generally make them every year with a vague plan to stop eating biscuits, crisps, white Magnums etc. but don’t commit to them.


In turn, making myself feel worse before even a few weeks have passed.


So in 2018, rather than stopping things, I am going to focus on starting things instead - with just one notable exception.


This January, I am giving up alcohol.


I did it last year and, boy, it was tough. I lasted the whole month and plan to do the same again for 2018.


In fact, even thinking about it now gives me the shivers but I know it must be done.


Why as a nation are we so obsessed with drink?


When I think back to last year, I did it as a bit of a challenge to myself.



After December - a month of excess - I wanted to feel a bit healthier, get my jeans to fit a bit less snugly and save some money.


This time round, I am more prepared.


I am going to buy those non-alcoholic beers and have them cooling in the fridge for those just in case moments.


I am also going draw myself a chart I can tick off every day. Like a reward chart for kids not wetting the bed, but a more grown up version.


I’m going to build in a reward and one night off (where I am allowed a drink.)


You see a month of not doing something in my mind has to have its counterpart.


So I’m going to take up something as well. Do you want to join me and give up the drink for January?


I’ll let you know in February how I get on.

