Sometimes the natural way is best, particularly when you’re struck down with cramps, and here are some tried-and-tested cures.


1. Heat

Top of the list is heat, whether in the form of a hot bath, a hot water bottle or a heat patch. Heat is one of the most effective cures to cramps, as it helps to relax the muscles contracting, which are causing the pain in the first place.


2. Exercise

No matter how tired or sore you are, any physical activity will help you. A brisk walk will get your blood pumping, releasing endorphins, and helping to reduce the pain of your cramps.


3. Anti-inflammatory foods

Your diet can play a major role in the controlling of your cramps, with grains, dairy and vegetable oils tending to exacerbate cramps at times. Implementing a grain- and dairy-free diet during your period can help significantly, with healthy fats (butter, coconut oil) and homemade broths helping to alleviate pain.



4. Chamomile tea

Chamomile is a natural anti-inflammatory, with many, many benefits. Drinking a cup of chamomile tea relaxes the muscles of your upper digestive tract, which eases up the contractions that are pushing food through your system, thus lessening the pain of spasms and calming your system as a whole.


5. Ginger

With a recent study finding that ginger can reduce the severity of cramps, grating a little ginger root into a mug of hot water, and sipping throughout the day can alleviate your pain.

