Need to de-stress? Sudocrem shares some self-soothing tips to practice at home
Now, more than ever before, we need to seek out moments where we self-soothe and tune out the busyness around us, focusing on re-balancing ourselves to help our physical and mental wellbeing. 
We are all struggling, but fear not, there is so much you can do to help ease the stress. 
For the time being, it is vital that you take care of your mental wellbeing, which is why having a list of self-care tips that ease your stress is essential. Luckily, Sudocrem has teamed up with yoga and wellness expert, Lydia Sasse, to help mums and dads de-stress even in the most trying of times. “As a mum myself, I know only too well the pressures parents are currently facing and I am happy to support Sudocrem with their Soothing Families campaign".

"We’re inviting parents to take some well-earned time to re-calibrate – whether it’s getting some getting some movement at home by practicing yoga or tai chi, having a relaxing cup of chamomile tea or taking a few moments to meditate. It’s all about allowing yourself little soothing moments throughout the day that will enable you to take on the next challenge.”
There’s no doubt that these five self-soothing tips will swiftly become part of your daily routine. 60%* of parents shared that getting fresh air helped ease their stress, 37% said soothing music was their go to method, but what is yours?
Check out the top five tips below and we're sure you’ll be feeling better and brighter in no time!
1. Take a movement break every day. Taking at least 15 minutes twice a day to move your body can promote positive changes in the brain that improve concentration and creativity, but also releases endorphins that lift your mood and make you feel good. This could be a simple yoga routine, some gentle tai chi or just dancing to your favourite music in the kitchen with your kids. Sudocrem* revealed that 49 percent of parents exercised when they needed to unwind. A further 17% practice deep breathing or meditation to tune out the noise around them.
2. Find some time to slow down and connect to your breath. Take a few minutes every couple of hours just to place your hand on your stomach. Check that when you inhale, your belly fills with air and on exhale, your belly button is drawing back towards the spine. This can do wonders for a frazzled nervous system.
3. Create a nightly ritual before bed for better quality sleep. The actions that we take in the hours before bed can directly affect the quality of our sleep and simple changes can make a huge difference. Things like switching off electronic devices an hour before bed, using lavender essential oil in a diffuser in your room or having a relaxing cup of chamomile tea are some of the ways we can build a pathway to a more restorative night's rest.

4. Ground yourself in nature. Get outside when you can and stand with your bare feet on the earth. You can also connect with nature when counting daisies with your children or in the quiet of the evening while you gaze at the stars. Research shows that when we are grounded, our stress hormones reduce, our sleep and circulation improve and inflammation decreases. If you are heading outside just make sure it is within 2km of your home.
5. Create a gratitude journal. Make a list of things that bring you joy and do one every day. It’s such a simple task and yet it can shift your whole mindset in a short amount of time. To get started make a list of all the things big or small that bring you joy. This could be making overnight oats for your breakfast the next day, reading a favourite book or baking with your little ones. 
There's no doubt that some of these tips will help soothe your stress levels over the coming weeks. One thing we cannot wait to try is tai chi! We're hoping we'll feel as mellow as the pandas in the video below after giving it a whirl. Having the time to try new hobbies is one of the perks to being at home more than ever before, so why not give it a go too?
The Sudocrem Soothing Families campaign features pandas practicing tai chi - the most soothing form of martial art - in a tranquil zen garden. This calming and gentle animal is the perfect symbol to embody the soothing properties of Sudocrem.
If you are interested in learning about more soothing tips that will hopefully make life that little bit easier, then be sure to follow Sudocrem and Lydia Sasse on Instagram.
*Research conducted by iReach on behalf of Sudocrem Ireland in support of its Soothing Families campaign, in a bid to uncover the main causes of worry or concern in parents daily lives and what kind of soothing moments help alleviate the everyday pressures of parenthood.

*If undertaking any of these activities, please adhere to current government guidelines*

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