Over a third of people regret their actions at work Christmas parties

Ah, the dreaded office Christmas party — a time to indulge in far too much free prosecco and get uncomfortably chatty with your work mates.

Most of us had to give the festive soiree a miss over the last two years due to lockdowns and isolations. While we knew we weren't missing much, it is always nice to get out with your colleagues for one night, and just let loose a little bit.

However, it would seem that many people let loose a little bit too much… According to a recent study conducted by greeting cards company, thortful.com, over one third of Brits regret their actions at work Christmas parties.

One of the most popular party regrets was getting too friendly with a colleague, as nearly half (45%) of Brits say they’ve locked lips with a fellow co-worker and 28% say they’ve actually even had sex with their workplace romance — yikes!

Looking at the industry’s most likely to sleep with their colleagues, almost two thirds (62%) of those working in environment and agriculture are doing the deed following office festivities, followed closely by people working in business, consulting and management (52%).

Most do set good intentions before their work do’s, with 58% saying they intend on not drinking too much. However, 34% say they’ve been too hungover to work the day after with one 1 in 5 (21%) having to pull a sickie. More than a quarter (26%) also say they’ve been too drunk to even remember their actions at Christmas parties!

Despite embarrassing moments, 54% of workers say they still love Christmas parties. Londoners top the charts for been the most excited with 66% saying they love their work do, Bristol (59%), Leeds (55%) and Manchester (51%) also followed closely behind.

What do you think? Do you have any work Christmas party regrets?


