Painting your nails can take a long time especially when you factor in drying time as well. To help you make the process quicker, without compromising how well they look, follow these steps.
Step 1: Get all your supplies ready
Make sure you have everything ready – nail polish remover, cotton pads, nail file, nail polish and top coat.
Step 2: Remove old polish
Make sure you remove any nail polish that is already on. This will mean you will be starting with a clean base and not trying to make the colour look even when half is going over polish that is already there.
Step 3: Prepare your nails
Prepare your nails by pushing back your cuticles, trimming and filing them evenly. Brush away any nail shedding before putting your polish on.
Step 4: Paint your nails
Start by dabbing a little polish in the centre of your nail brushing up to the tip of your nail. Do the same with the left side and then the right. This way you won’t miss any areas. 
Step 5: Let it dry
Make sure your nails are really dry before doing anything. There are a number of ways to dry your nails including air drying or using a hair dryer.
Step 6: Top coat
Apply a top coat once they are dry. Repeat step five.

