When a baby is born prematurely, the simplest of tasks can suddenly seem impossible; Holding them, calming them, even just putting a nappy on them. They are so impossibly tiny and delicate for that first while, that we want to be as gentle as possible.
And that means that everything that goes on their sensitive skin needs to be as gentle as possible.
A study recently found that just over half (54%) of parents were not aware that their premature babies’ skin could become irritated by everything it touches. This isn’t a surprising statistic, as many issues surrounding premature babies’ wellbeing lacks awareness. Therefore, parents lack the proper information and tools to ensure that their babies are as comfortable and cared for as possible.
Pampers are working to change this with their Pampers Preemie Protection initiative. As part of an in-depth study spanning three continents, nurses told Pampers that the current nappies available did not fit the smallest babies and were often cut and folded to size. Pampers developed the new Pampers Preemie Protection nappies to offer a more customised fit and to protect their delicate skin.
Pampers Preemie Protection nappies have been designed for the smallest babies. There are three sizes available, offering a customised fit which can be adapted to fit around lifesaving lines and leads. Preemies skin can be smooth, shiny, translucent and is very thin and sensitive, making it prone to irritation. Their nappies therefore need to contain the softest materials possible, with optimal absorbency, to keep the skin protected at all times.
Pampers Preemie nappies gently wraps baby in Pampers’ best blanket-like softness and protects their delicate skin. They minimise disruption during sleep and change time, plus aid the healthy development of baby’s hips and legs, thanks to its customised fit, whilst protecting their delicate skin. Their smallest size - the Preemie Protection P3, created for tiny fighters weighing less than 1.8lbs - is the smallest nappy available in Ireland.
But what makes these nappies different form regular ones?
The Pampers Preemie Protection Size P3 nappy is three times smaller than a size zero nappy. It comes with:
Detachable tabs: Enabling an adjustable fit for individualised care. The stretchy tabs can apply anywhere to accommodate baby’s unique needs.
Contour Fit Core: Our smallest nappy comes with a narrow-contoured core to fit between legs and help support healthy development. (Some other nappies used in neonatal intensive care units today have a wide core that can push baby’s legs apart and not allow their hips and legs to rest comfortably.)
Gentle Flex Cuffs: Cuffs gently seal around baby's delicate legs, improving all-around comfort.
All-Over Fastening: Allows for a customisable fit to minimise disruption and adaptable fit around medical lines and leads. The nappies are equally absorbent around the front and back, providing nurses with the flexibility to change and position the nappy to accommodate medical leads, lines and other interventions.
Absorb Away Liner: Unique top sheet pulls wetness and mess away from baby’s skin to help them stay dry and comfortable to further protect their delicate skin.
Pampers Preemie Protection nappies accommodates every premature baby, no matter when they were born. Available in three sizes, the nappies come in:
P1 - suitable for babies weighing less than 6lbs / 2.7kg
P2 - suitable for babies weighing less than 4lbs / 1.8kg
P3 - our smallest nappy, suitable for babies weighing less than 1.8lbs /0.8kg, which has been designed specifically for the tiniest little fighters, born in the second trimester.
The P1 nappy has the same benefits as the Size 0 Pampers New Baby nappy, which is currently available from major shops. Babies weighing less than 4lb/1.8kg have slightly different needs so the P2 and P3 Preemie nappies have additional features such as gentle flex cuffs and all-over fastening, which have been developed specifically for the smallest babies.
The development of this product was tied up in research that spanned three continents. Nurses from neonatal units told Pampers that the nappies currently available in hospitals did not fit the smallest of babies and often need to be cut and folded to size. Pampers continuously strives to develop and improve products that support the happy and healthy development of babies, so as part of these efforts, Pampers has worked closely with neonatal care nurses to understand the challenges and needs they face, resulting in Pampers’ development of the new Pampers Preemie Protection nappy range, specifically designed to meet the needs of these tiny babies.
Pampers has been supporting neonatal babies and their families throughout Ireland since 2017, so far donating over 80,000 preemie nappies to maternity hospitals. Their partnership with the Irish Neonatal Health Alliance (INHA) is all about helping to support families of premature babies, so they feel confident caring for their little one.
Mandy Daly, Spokesperson for the Irish Neonatal Health Alliance (INHA) said: “Every year over 4,500 babies are born too soon, too small, and too sick in Ireland. Ensuring best outcomes for these infants and their families is paramount to the mission of the charity. Our vision is to support and empower families affected by prematurity to become primary caregivers to their preterm babies and to facilitate a platform to access the developmental support and education needed to care for them.”
Now, Pampers want to spread the word further and get your help too, so that more preemie babies have access to the nappies they need to support their happy, healthy development. For every pack of Pampers purchased from retailers between 1st June – 30th June 2021, Pampers will donate a Pampers Preemie Protection nappy to those families and parents in need – so you’re looking after your baby and helping someone else look after theirs too.
“Pampers has been supporting neonatal babies and their families throughout Ireland since 2017, so far donating over 80,000 preemie nappies to maternity hospitals.” Faye Cruickshank, Brand Director, P&G Ireland said. “This Global Day of the Parents, we want to spread the word further and get your help too, so that more preemie babies have access to the nappies they need to support their happy, healthy development.”
Pampers is going beyond product donation by joining forces with the INHA to help support families of premature babies. The INHA provide parents with access to the necessary education and support so they feel confident caring for their little ones and all their delicate skin needs.