Kangaroo Babies

Kangaroo Babies Kangaroo Babies Kangaroo Babies Kangaroo Babies Kangaroo Babies
5 Dorset Square
Gardiner Street Upper
City Centre North
Dublin 1


From this provider / About this provider: Anja Alt from Kangaroo Babies has been trained by Die Trageschule one of the foremost schools of babywearing in Germany. The school works together with health specialists such as physiotherapists, and orthopedic doctors, it not only teaches people how to use slings, but it also teaches them how to teach others to do the same. Kangaroo Babies offers a fantastic resource, a place where you can learn about the different types of slings and carriers that are available, as well as the different types of carries that can be used with the various slings. Mums and dads can try out a selection of slings either in a class, or in a private lesson at home, to find which ones might suit them best. They can also learn how to lift baby into various carries using a life size weighted doll. Once you’ve chosen your favourite sling or carrier Anja can then advise you on where you can buy that sling. She can even order some types of sling for you.

