Coeliac Pages

Coeliac Pages


Coeliacpages is the most comprehensive Coeliac Directory for Ireland, listing all things Gluten Free.
We are an interactive site.  Leave some feedback on our site of your favourite venue, food or shop, this information will be useful for other coeliacs.  A review by coeliacs for coeliacs is invaluable and we want to hear what you have to say. We provide a trustworthy source of information where users, both business and consumers, can trust the integrity of our content.  We take the worry out of decision making when it comes to finding suitable food.
I know that the correct term is “coeliac disease”, but I find the word ‘disease’ has negative connotations and I don’t feel like I have a disease, I have a lifestyle. One which I quite enjoy and it has given me a great passion for food and for sourcing quality ingredients that are suitable for my needs.
Being a coeliac can present a new set of challenges to deal with when going to a restaurant, booking a night away or even just sourcing quality, everyday food.  Coeliacpages removes the difficulty of decision making by providing a list of suitable venues, or indeed a forum to highlight where things can be improved.
My goal is to have every establishment coeliac aware and be able to cater for us as a ’foodie group’.  I’m not sure about you, but sometimes when I’m out and I say that I’m coeliac and I get handed a yet another Caesar Salad without Crouton’s, I just wonder why I bothered as I manage to make a better meal blindfolded, then I remember it’s also about the experience of being out in good company and having fun. It’s not just us coeliacs that can suffer from poor choice, it’s our partners and friends as well.
There are some shining beacons of hope in Ireland where you go into the Restaurant or Hotel and menus are clearly marked and/or staff are knowledgeable and it’s no big deal that you just want a meal without gluten.  These places have a vast array of choice that you find it difficult choosing.  There are also some great places to eat that use naturally gluten free food to produce amazing meals and even though the menu may not be signposted as suitable for coeliacs, there is no problem finding something to eat.  Don’t be afraid to ask questions when you are out.  Have a look at my guide for eating out on the site.
The listings on this site will be updated frequently so don’t forget to check back for new listings.  I have already got some exciting developments in the pipeline.  So spread the word, coeliacs are here to stay and we want good food!
You can find us on Twitter here or on Facebook here.
Don’t forget to leave some feedback on whatever Restauant, Hotel or Food that you’ve tried, so that other coeliacs can read about it.

