Baby Wyatt was born in Ottawa, Canada in 2013 with a locked jaw. He is now 10 months old and his condition, congenital trismus, prevents him from eating or drinking as well as hindering any speech development. 
His doting parents, Amy Milville and Andrew Scott have set up a website called What’s Wrong with Wyatt to gain information and see if there is anybody out there who has suffered the same illness. 
Wyatt is being treated at the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario often and they have no known cases of Wyatt’s condition on record. 
Wyatt is currently being fed through a nasal tube, but his doctors hope that this can soon be swapped to an insertion through his stomach instead. 
His parents have been teaching Wyatt sign language since he was only two months old, as dad Andrew explains: “We don’t know where [the condition] is going to go. Is it going to affect his speech? And how much? So he needs to be able to express himself.”

