Listen, being a mum is the single greatest thing on earth, but we'd be lying if we said we didn't miss our old lives a little. 


However much we love our children, just sometimes we’d quite like to rewind to life before them.


Remember these?


1. Sleeping in


Oh, how we miss our leisurely mornings, where we would lie in bed until noon watching crap television, and drinking delicious coffee. Now, we are woken with the sun, to kiddos that are full of beans. However, would we have them any other way? Absolutely (not!)


2. Shopping in peace


Remember when you'd go for a browse around your favourite shops, just because? Those were the days. We miss having the luxury of spending hours in the fitting rooms, trying on countless things taht we never ended up buying. Nowadays, we're lucky if we get 20 minutes of peace before the little ones decide that shopping time is over. 


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3. Showering alone


Nothing soothes the soul quite like a long, hot shower. We recall the days where we'd blast our favourite music and jump in the shower until we were wrinkly - good times. However, now when we shower, the little ones are never too far - waiting for you to hurry up! 


4. Last minute trips away


Gone are the days of deciding to jet off somewhere last minute, because the flights are cheap and why the hell not! Going anywhere with kiddos, whether it be the cinema or the Caribbean, requires MILITARY planning and many, many lists. 


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5. Going out ALL.NIGHT.LONG


At this stage, we can hardly remember the times where we would go out with the girls for the night, strolling (or stumbling) home in the early hours of the morning. As a matter of fact, the time my old self was coming in from a night out is now the time I am awoken by kiddos. It all comes full circle. 


All things aside, we would not trade them for the world. 

