Photos by Caroline

Photos by Caroline Photos by Caroline Photos by Caroline Photos by Caroline Photos by Caroline
Caroline Smith


Babies are great to photograph and I’m sure for you as parents there is nothing you like more than looking at photos of your children. They grow so fast and even after a couple of months have passed it is hard to imagine how small they were. I love taking photos of newborns. At that size there are so many really unusual and artistic photos that can be achieved. For your baby photos I will come to your home with my portable black and white backdrops and a number of props. Bringing a baby to a new strange environment can be risky. Often the baby isn’t comfortable and will not relax as they are scared.
I offer a number of different baby portrait packages from a one time only shoot up to a triple shoot that covers the entire first year from new born through to toddler. The first shoot is taken within 1 month of being born, the second one is taken when the baby can sit up on their own and the last one is taken when the baby can stand on their own even if this is more than a year from birth. It is a great way to ensure that you don’t miss any of the key stages in your child’s development.

