Being pregnant over Christmas can be both a wonderful and magical experience. But with the endless amount of parties that you have to go to and the sheer volume of presents you have to buy, it can be extremely tricky trying to keep everyone happy.


But, hey, you’re pregnant and there is no need to feel guilty, especially about the following ten things:


1. Backing out of something last minute

There are plenty of chances to meet with family and friends over the festive season, don’t feel bad if you don’t feel up to going to one party.


2. Buying vouchers for everyone

You don’t have to go out and buy extravagant gifts for your present to be good, everyone loves a good voucher.



3. Not sending cards

You have enough to be worrying about without stressing over the fact that you forgot to send your cards this year – a text will suffice this year.             


4. Putting your feet up while everyone else cooks the dinner

You are carrying a baby around – you have every right to sit with your feet up!


5. The amount of food you’ve been eating

We all do it, sure!



6. The fact that you forgot to buy a gift for someone

Pop a tenner in a card and they’ll be none the wiser!


7. Talking about something other than the fact that you’re pregnant

It’s not the only thing about you!


8. Feel bad for craving soft cheese

Why do people insist on putting out a cheese platter! WHY?



9. Complaining about being pregnant at Christmas

Usually when Great Uncle George is dancing around drunk – you have nothing to help you forget him trying to twerk!  


10. Wearing your sweats all day

Bah, you’re proud to choose comfort over style!


