Yoga Balance Ireland

Yoga Balance Ireland Yoga Balance Ireland Yoga Balance Ireland Yoga Balance Ireland
Wind Down in Teach Bhride


MUM AND BABY YOGA The classes use a gentle yoga to tone up after the birth of your baby. The focus is on core strengthening exercises, and chest and shoulder opening postures (to help relieve the tightness associated with breast-feeding or carrying babies), and strengthening the pelvic floor. Focus is also on breathing techniques to energise your body and calm your mind. The classes have a relaxed atmosphere and Babies rule this class! They benefit greatly from playful massage and gentle yoga stretches, accompanied by singing and tickles from mammy. It provides mothers with quality time to focus on and be with their baby, while meeting and chatting to other new mums. Elaine's Mum and Baby Yoga classes aim to provide continuity so that women can practice safe yoga postnatally while bonding with their baby, and is also suitable for beginners. For more Information or to Book, visit my website Monday 11.30-12.30pm Askea Parish Community Centre Askea, Co Carlow Suitable from 6 weeks to 12months. 4 week course €40 Contact Elaine 085 741 28 65 / email


Mum and Baby Yoga Carlow*

