Dublin School of Drama and Communications


The Dublin School of Drama and Communications offer a range of classes for both children and adults aiming to develop public speaking, confidence and performance abilities.
It was established to help people communicate better in their every day life using drama performance techniques. In the words of Shakespeare, “All the world’s a stage, And all the men and women merely players.”
The range of classes for children include group drama classes, group vocal training classes and private classes. The group vocal training classes are generally run in blocks of 4 weeks and focus on a different issue each session - for example mumbling and projection. They also offer private classes which are great for students who might have been to a speech and language therapist and need a little bit of help to build their confidence and help to practice the different sounds they have learnt.
All of teachers are fully qualified. For more information on any of their courses please don’t hesitate to contact Jill on 0872196516 or email jillspeechanddrama@gmail.com.

