Yesterday, we reported on the news that having children can in fact slow down the ageing process, but it looks like the good news doesn't stop there!

According to recent scientific research from the University of Richmond in Virginia, bearing children has an overwhelmingly positive impact on brain function, with findings indicating that a woman's brain expands and evolves after giving birth.

The study, which has been published in the New Scientist, has established that becoming a mother not only makes a woman more emotionally resilient and better equipped to deal with stress, but also a better strategist.

Dismissing the notion that women fall victim to baby brain after welcoming a child into their life, the report states: "Forget the idea that having a baby will turn your mind to mush – there’s growing evidence that it could prime your brain for empathy, reasoning and judgement."

Interestingly, researchers asserted that the notion of 'baby brain' comes from society's long-thought belief that us mums are meant to feel less capable after giving birth - a theory which then skews a woman's perception of her intelligence following childbirth.

Quashing the 'baby brain' notion entirely, the article confirms that "there is now a large body of evidence that a woman’s intellect does not suffer in any way after having her baby."

Like, we didn't already know that...


