It has been a year now since the outbreak of the Zika virus in Brazil, and with tens of countries affected since, there is growing concern in the medical world regarding the long-term impact.


Indeed, scientists are so worried about the new symptoms and side-effects being discovered, that they called on the World Health Organisation (WHO) to consider postponing or moving this summer’s Olympic Games in Rio.


It seems their worries have fallen on deaf ears however, as it has been reported this afternoon that the WHO has turned down both options – regardless of concern over the impact of the Games on the spread of the disease.



According to various media outlets, the WHO’s reasoning is that postponing or moving the games would ‘not significantly alter’ the spread of the disease.


The appeal took the form of an open letter to the leading global health watchdog, and was signed by 150 scientists, doctors and medical ethicists. In it, they claimed that, due to new findings made through their research into the Zika virus, it would be ‘unethical’ to allow the Games to go ahead in Rio.


The Centres for Disease Control and Prevention previously confirmed a link between Zika and microcephaly and other birth defects in babies, while recent research suggested that the disease could also cause abnormal bleeding and lesions in the eyes.


Do you think it’s a good idea to go ahead with the Games in Rio?


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