Ruhama, an Irish NGO that works with women affected by prostitution and other forms of commercial sexual exploitation across the country, has demanded urgent action against the sexual exploitation of tenants.
The call for urgent action follows last night’s shocking Prime Time investigation programme Sex for Rent, which revealed multiple landlords seeking sex in exchange for reduced rent or free accommodation.
The disturbing programme shared multiple cases in Munster, the Midlands and Dublin of landlords trying to take advantage of people, mostly women, in financial distress by offering reduced or free rent in exchange for sexual favours.
With the recent housing crisis, demand for housing nationwide has skyrocketed, meaning some landlords are using this to charge extortionate prices or exploit women for sex.
While it is against the law to purchase sex in Ireland, the country doesn’t have legislation against the exchange of sex for services or benefits.
Barbara Condon, CEO Ruhama, has released a statement that reads, “Ruhama witnesses daily the harms and impact of sexual exploitation among individuals accessing our services. Poverty is one of the main drivers of sexual exploitation which often starts with a woman in a vulnerable situation who is at risk of being exploited by offers of money, accommodation or drugs in exchange for sex”.
"Whilst this form of exploitation has been highlighted for some time, there is a danger that the true rate of coercion of sex for rent has so far remained hidden as the victim may see it as a once-off or short-term solution to survive rather than sexual exploitation”.
“However, when money, accommodation or any other goods are exchanged for sex or sexual acts, there is no choice involved, it is an act of need and desperation. Sexual consent is bypassed in order to survive, and sex without consent cannot be tolerated in a progressive society”.
Condon continued, “Sexual exploitation predominantly affects women who are exploited by male predators. Society continues to turn a blind eye to the injustices wrought by the social, cultural and economic power imbalance between women and men, be they landlords, perpetrators or pimps”,
“The language used by the landlords exposed by RTE is reminiscent of that used by ‘punters’ who rate and review women active in prostitution on the main websites, highlighting the misogyny that remains prevalent”.
“Ruhama calls on the Government to reconsider the Sex For Rent Bill 2022 given the delay in the review of the Criminal Law (Sexual Offences) Act 2017. Appropriate legislation is required to recognise those offering accommodation in exchange for sex as offenders, to penalise the platforms that host their advertisements, to provide legal recourse to victims of predatory landlords and to ensure that this complex issue is treated with due regard to its seriousness”.
The CEO closed off by adding, “We need to ensure zero tolerance for domestic, sexual and gender-based violence. Tackling sexual exploitation is key to combating and eradicating violence against women”.