We can all admit to being slaves to the bathroom scales at some point or other, but mum and fitness blogger Kelsey Wells wants us to stop scrutinising the figures on the screen.


The 26-year-old, who blogs at My Sweat Life, is on everyone’s lips this morning after sharing an empowering post about how we look at our bodies.


In a candid Instagram post, Kelsey has urged people to ‘screw the scale’ and judge their bodies and their fitness on other, more important things – strength, ability, health, and so on.



“You guys, pleaseeeeee stop getting hung up on the number on the stupid scale! Please stop thinking your weight equals your progress, and for the love of everything please stop letting your weight have any effect whatsoever on your self-esteem, like I used to,” she wrote.


To illustrate the logic of her point, she shared three side-by-side photos of her body over the eight weeks since she started her fitness plan, after giving birth – and the surprising differences compared to the stats on the scale.


After initially hitting her target weight of 122lbs, she went on to gain 18lbs and go up two pant sizes; but, as you can see, she is far happier with how her body looks and feels now, with that extra weight.



“There is only a 5lb difference between my starting and current weight, but my body composition has changed COMPLETELY. I have never had more muscle and less body fat than I do now. I have never been healthier than I am now. I have never been more comfortable in my own skin than I am no. And if I didn’t say ‘screw the scales’ long ago, I would have gave up on my journey,” she added.


As you can imagine, Kelsey’s post has gone totally viral and is being praised by women all over the world.


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