Having children doesn’t mean you have to stop the bedroom fun, but things will definitely change when you become a mum!


While it is perfectly normal and safe to start having sex about six weeks after birth, depending on your doctor’s recommendations, it can be a little nerve racking for many mums.


Getting back under the sheets is completely different for every woman; for some it is fun and exciting but for others it can be emotional and even painful. 


The following five tips and advice will hopefully help you get back to where you were:


1. Feeling scared

It is perfectly normal to feel scared to do it the first time; worrying about it being painful, a lack of desire or simply not wanting to are reasons why mums might be feeling a little uneasy.


2. Stop if it hurts

While lubrication helps a little, some mums can experience pain and discomfort the first few times they do it. However, while it will get easier and more enjoyable over time, don’t hesitate to stop if it hurts.



3. Don’t worry if you don’t want to do it

There is nothing to worry about if you don’t want to or don’t feel like having sex. The hormones released during breastfeeding can result in a lowered libido and you might be experiencing vaginal dryness that is putting you off.


4. Increased sex life

On the other end of the scale, some women can experience a heightened desire for sex as they feel more comfortable in their body. Just go with it!


5. You’re too tired

Taking care of a newborn is exhausting and you might find that even if you want to have sex your body is too tired for it. Give yourself time and don’t stress about it – there is no rush.

