The word ‘shorts’ can send a pang of dread through women young and old, and with the warmer weather now upon us, the thought of investing in ‘summer clothes’ is no doubt leaving many feeling anxious. However, there is no need to fear, as we have a short solution for every body shape.
If you are not sure of what category your body shape falls under, check out this handy guide.
1. Straight
The aim here is to really accentuate your figure by creating an hourglass effect. Balloon or bubble shorts will flatter your best assets, while details such as pockets, frills and pleats will add curves.
2. Pear
The key here is to find a style that fits looser throughout the legs. While a wide waistband will give support to your middle, a longer hem – falling to just above the knee – will flatter your curves.
3. Apple
Styles which elongate the legs and give support to your middle and waist are most flattering for women who fall into the ‘apple’ category. High-waist shorts, and styles with turn-ups at the end are perfect for you.
4. Strawberry
The trick here is to work a cinched waist, so high-waist shorts or those that flare slightly at the ends will flatter your best assets.
5. Hourglass
Ladies with an hourglass figure should opt for A-line shorts, which are most flattering to the figure. If you want some extra coverage for your thighs, invest in a stylish Bermuda, and flatter by teaming with tops that accentuate your waist and bust.
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