Submit your question to the expert

While the return to school brings the chaos of early mornings, school lunches and homework, it can also bring on new problems, like the issue of internet and mobile safety.
With classmates returning to school with new mobile phones,  and tablets, laptops and computer classes introducing children to the online world, your child will inevitably venture into a brand new area that can pose difficulties for both them and you.
The issue of cyber-bullying has become a worry for many parents in recent years. Children and teens have begun to post messages on the internet and send nasty text messages to their peers, feeling less responsible for their online actions as they would in a face-to-face situation. This type of behaviour is often outside their school’s reach as it happens out of hours on home computers or via mobile phones.
On top of this, parents also have to worry about their child’s online activities, as the internet can provide anonymity to any potential predator or even provide bad influences for vulnerable children.
To help you understand the best approach when it comes to technology and your family, we’ve asked Dr Maureen Griffin in association with Laya Healthcare to answer any questions you might have. As part of her work, Dr Griffin has visited over 400 schools and organisations across Ireland speaking with students, staff, BOM members and parents regarding issues around social media, cyber-bullying and internet and mobile phone safety.
Have you got a question you would like to put to Dr Griffin? Are you worried about the influence of social media and cyber bullying on your children? Do you know how to ensure internet and mobile phone safety for your child? Do you manage your child's screen time? Are you worried about the amount of time you child spends on their phone / computer? Here's your chance to have your question answered - just fill in your details below along with your question.
Everyone that submits a question will be entered into a draw to win a €100 shopping voucher. Best of luck x
This is now closed.
Thank you to everyone who submitted a question. The winner of the €100 shopping voucher is Niamh Williams - congratulations Niamh, we have sent you an email x

