An 18-year-old woman from Alaska has been praised for the lengths she has gone to to provide her newborn baby with breast milk.

Kaleena Psycher, a highschool senior, decided to give her child up for adoption after learning she was pregnant.

However, the young woman did not return to normal teen life after the delivery.

Instead she continued to participate in the child's upbringing by producing and providing breast milk which she would have shipped out-of-state.

Having been informed of the various benefits associated with breastmilk, Kaleena decided to begin expressing milk and sending it to the adoptive family of her child.

Speaking to Alaska Dispatch news, Kaleena revealed that as the baby's appetite increased, the teen increased her supply and began pumping every two hours.

After months of shipping the milk to the infant, the teen began to produce excess milk on account of having pumped so often to meet her growing child's needs.

Realising that other children could benefit from her endeavour, Kaleena donated her extra supply to a milk bank in Colorado where it is screened and then provided to premature infants in a neonatal intensive care unit.

Kaleena and her child's adoptive family are eager to stay in contact and ensure that the teen remains part of the baby's life through frequent visits and video calls.


