Eating well is not only good for your overall health; it’s good for your hair health too.  No matter what your hair type, we all produce sebum which is a waxy substance that is created in our hair’s sebaceous glands. This is what makes our hair look moisturised and healthy, so just because hair may look it, it might not be as vivacious as it appears.
Having a healthy scalp and healthy hair go hand in hand, it’s not possible to have one without the other. If your scalp is dry, your hair won't be well conditioned. Your diet can directly affect the health of your hair with young women on crash diets sometimes experiencing hair loss. Also, women who are in their 50s may experience hair loss because of hormones. Experts say that it’s important to build good hair from the beginning.
We recommend some foods that if eaten over a long term period can get you some health benefits that your hair will thank you for.
Succulent salmon is a high-quality protein source, filled with vitamin B-12 and iron. It’s also full of omega-3 fatty acids that condition your hair.
Get your greens
Dark green vegetables such as spinach and broccoli are an excellent source of vitamins A and C, which your body needs to produce sebum. Sebum is an oily substance which is secreted by your hair follicles, to naturally condition your hair.
Kidney beans and lentils should be an important part of your hair-care diet. They provide iron, zinc and biotin for your hair in addition to providing protein for hair growth.
Nuts are great for your hair health. They are a rich source of zinc, a deficiency of which can lead to hair shedding. Walnuts are rich in alpha-linolenic acid, an omega-3 fatty acid that may help condition your hair. Brazil nuts are important for the health of your scalp.
Poultry such as chickens and turkeys are rich in protein which can give you healthy hair. If you don’t get enough protein in your diet, your hair can become weak and break.
There are many other food types which are good for hair including eggs, whole grains and oysters. Getting enough of these foods in your diet, although not always easy, will be worth it in the long run when you have healthy and luscious locks! 

