If there's one thing every parent takes comfort in, it's the fact that we're all making it up as we go along.

Oh, we may have read every parenting book on the market the moment that second blue line appeared, but then our little bundle arrived, and all those tips and tricks went out the window.

We quickly realised that the family's new addition brought with it a whole host of issues for which we weren't ready, and no amount of studying would ever prepare us for our child's own unique foibles and distinct eccentricities.

Thankfully, every parent feels the same, and here are the fillet of parenting fails.

 1. Unfortunately that's not how it works, Sarah.

2. They might have a family discount.

3. Hmm... try again.

4. And the dream is over.

5. Yep, been there. 

6. Can't fight city hall.

7. Well, that was unexpected.

8. But they can text with their eyes closed. 

9. The kid wants what it wants. 

10. Parenting summed up in some sentence. 

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